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nOThiNg bEtTeR 2 dO sInCe iT's sO BoRiNG~

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

miSsiNg sOmEbOdY~

Just made a call to my ex, wishing her Happy Birthday. The very last time I heard her voice is about 5 months ago. It's just a coincidence that I could get her number.

I remember in May, she had lost her phone and I didn't got her number anymore but for me it doesn't matter coz I wanna forget her that time. But doesn't know why, in one fine day in July, there's a customer calling in to Helpline and I accidentally keying in the wrong phone number given by the customer thus making changes to the wrong number. Only later when I realised that, I had to call back the owner which the number I had accidentally made changes. Only God knows why the number that I keyed actually belongs to her.

I called that particular number with my own personal phone to avoid inconvenience coz I need to apologised to that owner. Then a girl answered the call and I heard a familiar voice but I never thought it was really her. She was just laughing as she got my number and it was displayed on her phone the moment I called her. I just greeted her as I thought it was a customer and she just keeps on laughing. I thought, is she insane or what? She say she don't understand what I am saying in English and asked me to repeat in Cantonese as she was playing tricks on me~ At that moment, I knew it was her and i just ask, are you *** ***? Then she laughs again and says that's her new number. Well..... I was really shell shocked at that moment. Out of 3 millions user in Malaysia using DiGi, I got her number.

We chatted got a while but I was rather cold to her coz my mind was playing tricks on me~ Never thought that could happened. She asked me to save her number but I said that I won't coz it would be another one off call and I won't be bothering her again. That's how it ended.

Today, on the 13th December, is her birthday and my friend asked me to call her and at least greet her. I never think of calling her anymore. My friends then later told me to just treat her as a normal friend. Well..... I did call her after my shift but could not get thru but I could only managed to get her at 12.04am on 14.12.2004.

Feeling a bit like missing her after listening to her voice and all the memories starts floating back~ sighz~


  • At 2:19 AM, Blogger shinchan said…

    ;p dun worry
    just a tree
    u still have a forest~ lolz

  • At 11:18 AM, Blogger freddie said…

    if you can't treat her as normal friend, that means you're still attached to her. (by how much, who knows...?)

    like shinchan said, there's a huge forest out there.

  • At 6:16 PM, Blogger Jackie Leong said…

    hmm... her birthday ah? <_<

    thought you already don't give a damn about her well-being already.. which "friend" so geng until can pursuade you to call her ah...?
    eh.. if you lonely and want to yamcha just call me la! while i'm still free.. :p

    eh.. if i play a sad song now.. dunno you will cry or not leh? =p just kidding !

  • At 2:55 AM, Blogger Kelvin said…

    haihz~ Garfie.. I'm not attached to her.... but certainly in some events you do think back of the one you loved rite?

  • At 8:46 PM, Blogger Kelvin said…

    i gave her a chance? though i still miss her... or maybe love her... but i think it's all over...

    who give me the chance if i give her a chance? she got bf edi now la~


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