-= k e L v i N =- << mY bLoG >>

nOThiNg bEtTeR 2 dO sInCe iT's sO BoRiNG~

Thursday, May 19, 2005

nOw iT's mY tUrN ~ bReaK uP!

I'm so sad and sooo lost now. My over jealousy kills me!!!!!!

I feel sooo regret for what I've done.


  • At 12:03 PM, Blogger freddie said…

    dude... if you think you're wrong, don't admit that in front of us. go to her and apologize instead.

  • At 12:07 PM, Blogger 黑色 said…

    Kelvin, go to her and say sorry! Sit down and talk. Maybe still have chance. Dude! Stay strong!

  • At 12:09 PM, Blogger Kelvin said…

    i'm not admitting in front of you all.... i just felt lost...

    This is the last edi... there wont be anymore happy moments with her again.

  • At 12:18 PM, Blogger Cupid x2 said…

    bro, i understand how u feel ...

    go out wif ur frens more often now, u'll feel sad if u are alone ...

    time will make things better

    bro, be strong !

  • At 9:37 PM, Blogger Jackie Leong said…

    uh... why all of the sudden?

    go pujuk balik le.. -.-

    never give up, if you love her.

  • At 3:31 AM, Blogger Cupid x2 said…

    jackie, u r the last one to know ...
    pls chat with Kelvin more, k ?
    accompany him more :)

  • At 1:55 AM, Blogger Jackie Leong said…

    hmm.. time ain't on my side to do so.. way too busy with my work and commitments..

    the day he changed his nick i edi know what happen, but when i msg him that time there wasn't any reply (well, only after i slept)..

    the following day i remembered he'd definitely gonna post things like this here.. which is why i appear to be "last" to know..

  • At 1:44 PM, Blogger Xavier Chan said…

    Kelvin, try! try! and try! don give up now, if you really think that you need her and you love her, then go and get her back!!


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