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nOThiNg bEtTeR 2 dO sInCe iT's sO BoRiNG~

Monday, January 03, 2005

BuKiT tinGGi tRiP~

Waaa! I am so darn tired. Just came back from working justnow. Well, I was being busy the whole day. Freaking tired and exhausted.

Just cut my hair and reliased it was way too short and feeling regret bout it... sighz! stupid hairstylist!

On 01.01.2005, I went to Bkt Tinggi with Ivy. Before we started our journey, we went to Ampang Point to purchase a LG C1100 handset using my DiGi staff benefit voucher worth RM500. Have to buy it coz there's some problem with Ivy's current handset. So just paying additional RM30 for that handset. :P I end up giving the handset to her without mentioning whether I am borrowing her or giving it to her. Who cares ler?

Then we go to Bkt Tinggi. Actually I never drived there before and this would be my 1st time driving up there and I've only been there once previously. Based on those road signs, I managed to reach there at around 5pm but hell, it was raining. bugger... spoiled the day. Since it's raining, I just asked Ivy if we should rent a room there. She was reluctant at first but then thinking that there's nowhere we could go and we had just arrived, so she just agreed to my plan. So I've rented a One Bedroom Suite which costs me about RM300.

We stayed in the room watching TV on the couch and having some snacks till about 8.30pm before we go out and have dinner. Candlelight dinner. duh~ Very expensive and couldnt even fill up my stomach. I ordered a Salmon steak while she ordered a braised chicken with spaghetti. Eating there really giving me pressure as those waiter keep on staring at us awaiting further order from us. duh.We quickly finish off our dinner and spend the next hour walking around the French Village. Went back to our room again for some hot bath before going out to the pub opposite our room having some red wine till I received a call from Alvin. He knew I am at Bkt Tinggi with Ivy but doesn't know we rented a room there so he was asking if I am going back to KL and I say I will be back shortly. Then he say he and Canlie are looking for place to hang out and asked me if I wanted to rent a room there and they gonna join us. I was like........ uh... WTF!!??.... Looking at Ivy's face, I just agree to them. sighz~ That's what I called potong stim!

Still having our red wine as they arrived in Bkt Tinggi. Nothing much to do so we just sleep as me and Ivy has been very tired. Woke up the next morning and went to Japanese Village and Rabbit Park before we go home as I need to work at 5pm~ sighzz!!

Bukit Tinggi.... At the watchtower

Cutie rabbit at the Rabbit's Park~

Who is cuter? Ivy or the rabbit huh? lolz~

That lightbulb, Canlie with me and Ivy~ lolz~

Canlie and Ivy trying to compare who is cuter?~


  • At 11:37 AM, Blogger freddie said…

    MUAHAHAHAHA... dude, you gotta straighten this with alvin. and probably teach him some of your "secret hints" for "DO NOT DISTURB!!". LOL!!!

  • At 9:59 PM, Blogger Kelvin said…

    haha... dunno la... no comment on that... takkan want me to say no to him in front of ivy meh? :P

  • At 8:28 AM, Blogger shinchan said…

    nice description

    lightbulb,Canly hahahahahahahahaha
    cant stop laughing hahahahaha ROTFL


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