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nOThiNg bEtTeR 2 dO sInCe iT's sO BoRiNG~

Sunday, November 07, 2004

nOtHinG mUcH toDay~ wHaT iS SatUrDay NiGht foR mE?

What is Saturday for me? Working days~ sighz~
Hate it when it comes to working on Saturday and Sunday. Just wayyyy too bored.

Anyway I've just back from working. It's already 3am now yet I doesn't feel asleep. Think I'm gonna be a night ghost edi. Anyhow, today I still got few of my colleagues shaking my hands and wishing me happy belated birthday. So sweet of them. lolz~ Maybe they just 'ying chow' me la~ haha....

Today i am working 5pm -2am shift (again!!) and got my stomach full of mcD due to some of my colleagues ordering mcD. I've ate the Big Mac Value Meal, one Apple Pie and one McEgg. darn..... sooo full! Nearly wanna throw out everything from stomach after that~

Today I got no pics to post la. Next time only I post some pics ler~ I really dunno what else to snap... lolz~


  • At 10:31 AM, Blogger Cupid x2 said…

    always will feel bored during weekends when we got to do... working on weekends ? sadzzz and pity... but ur job is shift based, wat to do ?
    yeah ~ me never tot of tat you can really eat so much... eat so much also cannot gain weight ? good lar...

  • At 1:14 PM, Blogger Kelvin said…

    what eat much....? normal things when i ate McD lor

  • At 1:36 PM, Blogger Jackie Leong said…

    without the fries :x :p

  • At 1:42 PM, Blogger Kelvin said…

    haha.... but yesterday fries oso i kasi finish.... large somemore~

  • At 2:17 PM, Blogger Cupid x2 said…

    oh my godzz !
    like tat consider normal ???
    err, a bit hard to believe...
    i usually cant even finish one burger... *sweat*

  • At 3:15 PM, Blogger Jackie Leong said…

    i think you're just too bored.. cuz when i go out with you, you never finish your fries :p always ask me to tarpao them for you oso -.- siao..

  • At 3:55 AM, Blogger Kelvin said…

    yeah meh? abnormal ah? haha.. yeah la yeah la~ maybe i am small in size and wanna become big in size~


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