-= k e L v i N =- << mY bLoG >>

nOThiNg bEtTeR 2 dO sInCe iT's sO BoRiNG~

Friday, November 05, 2004

hApPy biRThDaY 2 mE!!~

Today is my birthday and I really had a very good time with my pals at Bar Flam (or is it Cafe Flam?) in Sunway. There's 10 of us together dancing and singing all the night in the club. This will be one of my most memorable birthday I've had and I truly enjoy that.

We had ordered a DeWars and Baccardi Lemon but we only managed to finish off the DeWars and have to keep the Baccardi Lemon in the BarFlam. None of us were KO'ed tonight and we even celebrate my birthday with the patrons sitting on next table which one of them is also celebrating his birthday on the same date as me!

Well.... to my buddies.... Alvin, Irene, Annie, Vincent, SK, Kelvin, MeiMei, Canlie and Canlie's buddy (I've forgotten her name la).... all I wanted to say is a big thank you to all of you!.... You all are the best!!

Here's some of the pics which has been taken using my Nokia 7610..... 5 of them already left when these pics are taken......

My Birthday Cake~

Me and my friends during my birthday~

Me and my friends part II

Kelvin, Alvin and me~... (from left to right~)

Me and my best buddy ~Alvin~

Me and Kelvin..... grz... he used my name~

Me and Canlie~

Me and a cute girlz~ forgotten her name la~ :P


  • At 9:33 PM, Blogger eRiCCa said…

    you look like one of my cousins who staying in sri petaling TOO in the 5th pic!!! kekeke
    and yea... you look MOST lengjaiz in the 5th pic... other pics you look like... erm... you know lar... THAT ONE... hahahahahaha~

  • At 2:46 AM, Blogger Kelvin said…

    wei... ericca jie... give face a bit can ah? ur ex very ugly la~ where can compare one although i am not that leng jaiz~ duh~


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